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Dhanteras Laxmi Kuber Puja Videos

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Utvecklare: Padmavathy N

Diwali Dhanteras Pujas Videos

This App comes with detailed videos that explain how to perform Mahalakshmi and Kuber Pujas to get the maximum gains from the divinity

Dhanteras (or Dhana Trayodashi) is the first day of the five-day Diwali Festival as celebrated primarily in Northern & Western part of India. In south India it is known as Dhanalakshmi pooja

The festival, known as "Dhanatrayodashi" or "Dhanvantari Trayodashi". The word Dhana means wealth and Trayodashi means 13th day as per Hindu calendar. It is celebrated on the 13th lunar day of Krishna Paksha in the Hindu calendar month of Aaswayuja in the Amaavasyanta Luni-Solar Calendar

It is considered to be highly auspicious day to do new purchases and investment. On Dhanteras, Goddess Lakshmi is worshiped to provide prosperity and well being. Dhanteras holds special significance for the business community due to the customary purchases of precious metals on this day. Lord Kubera, the God of assets and wealth is also worshipped on this day

Dhanteras is not all about material wealth it is also a time to develop spiritual wealth and family bonding

Get this App and celebrate Diwali and Dhanteras as shown in those videos for being blessed by Goddess Mahalaxmi and Lord Shri Kuber